A night in Venice: PHYC Youth Ball
Taking place on 27 August 2016, at the HCP Community main hall. R150 per person, space is limited so book your seat soon.
Taking place on 27 August 2016, at the HCP Community main hall. R150 per person, space is limited so book your seat soon.
Calling all Hostesses to enter the table decor competition inspired by the theme “A day at the movies” to take place on Saturday 1st October 2016, at the HCP Main Hall.
We hereby call for contractors who would be interested to tender for the renovations to the HCP Hall.
Click on this link Youth sports to read the letter written by Jimmy Eracleous
The Greek National Day 2016 Panigiri was a phenomenal success! We had a record turnout of Hellenes who came to enjoy lunch while watching the community’s children say poems and dance. They made us SO proud. Bravo kids!A big thanks goes out to all those who generously donated various food/eats to contribute to the lunch
Hellenic Community of Pretoria presents our vision of the future of our community centre.
Over the past few years we have seen a major increase in the number of youth partaking in the Hellenic Football Club.
On behalf of the Hellenic School Committee we would like to wish the members of the Hellenic Community of Pretoria a blessed and prosperous new year!
Gemista = Stuffed Vegetables Gemista recipe is actually one of the most popular Greek recipes. In Greece you will hear this dish as yemista, which is written as γεμιστά. Gemista is the Greek recipe for stuffed tomatoes and other vegetables. It is one of the most popular vegetarian dishes in the summer. Although the predominant English translation of gemista […]
On New Year’s Day families cut the Basilopita to bless the house and bring good luck for the new year. This is usually done at the midnight of New Year’s Eve. A coin is hidden in the bread by slipping it into the dough before baking. At midnight the sign of the cross is […]
THE BACKGROUND AND THEOLOGICAL MEANING OF CHRISTMAS. We will attempt to describe the historical development of the feast of Christmas, how and when it was introduced in the Church
Bite-sized Christmas fruit cakes with a twist. Ingredients: 500g moist fruit cake 200g dark chocolate ±150g Golden Syrup ± quarter cup brandy… to taste! 100g white chocolate and red and green glaze cherries for decorating. Method: Crumble the fruit cake into a bowl into roughly shaped chunks. Melt the 200g dark chocolate. When slightly […]
To all our members of the Hellenic Community of Pretoria, it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the new HCP Council for 2015-2017, the council consists of the following people
Welcome to BeHellenic’s Tasty Tuesday. Every Tuesday we will be posting a recipe from a community member for you to try out. If you have a delicious recipe or a special recipe from your yiayia that you’d like to share with us, we will gladly post it on our website. Email us at least two photos, the […]
On behalf of the HCP Council I have the privilege of rendering the following report on the community’s activities for 2015